These diagrams are for piecing purposes only. Right click on diagram, from menu save picture as and save where you can find it for printing later. Highlight instructions, copy and paste into your favorite word processing program for printing. |
7 1/2" square unfinished, 7 " square finished.Materials:
A medium and a dark fabric. 1/4 yard of each will make more then one block, but not a whole quiltDirections:
From dark fabric cut one 4 1/2" square, two 2 7/8" squares. From medium frabric, cut one 2 1/2" square and two 2 7/8" squares.Method 1: With the 2 7/8" squares, mark a diagonal line from corner to corner on the medium fabric. Placing a medium and a darck right sides together, sew 1/4" away from both sides of line. Cut on drawn line, this will give you all four 1/2 square triangles.
Method 2: cut all four (both dark and medium) 2 7/8" squares diagonally in 1/2. Sew medium to dark remembering these are bias edges. Don't stretch fabric while sewing.
Using diagram above place all pieces in the order they should be and stitch together to form block.
If you'd rather you may use the templates instead for all pieces. These have the 1/4" seam allowance added. Print page for full size patterns.