The above diagrams are for placement purposes only. The instructions will be with the colors shown in piecing diagrams. Right click in piecing diagram. From the menu select save picture and and save where you can find it later for printing. Highlight the Instructions then, copy and paste into your favorite word processing program for printing. These are general instructions and do not have to be followed exactly. There's always easier ways to piece a block, use the one that's easiest for you.
Size: 32 3/4" X 45" (This is for the whole quilt.)Materials: Cotton calico fabrics 44" wide: 1 1/4 yards blue pindot, for backing; 1 yard each white, blue; 1/2 yard each navy, dark blue. Dark blue and white sewing thread. Crib size batting. Navy extra-wide double fold bias tape, 2 packages.Directions: Cut 140 A from both dark blue and navy; 140 B and C from white.Quilt Block: (Make 35 for full quilt): Join diamonds using 4 navy A and 4 dark blue A to form a star. Alternate colors around the star. Join pieces by sewing with in seam allowances only. Fit white B's and C's between pointsof star, following piecing diagram. Finished block should measure 4 3/4" square inside seam allowance. (To do these you can either trace pattern without the seam allowance onto fabric and sew on lines, or cut with seam allowance and stop sewing 1/4" from tips of diamonds.)Quilt Top: From blue floral, cut 1 3/8" wide strips (don't forget to add seam allowances): 42 - 4 3/4"long, 7- 32"long. Arrange blocks into 7 rows of 5. In each row, insert a short strip between blocks and at either end of row. Insert a long strip between each row, and at top and bottom of quilt top. Stitch short strips and blocks together into rows, then stitch long strips and rows of blocks together.Quilt: Cut backing and batting slightly larger then quilt top and assemble layers. Machine quilt, stitching over all seams of borders. (This is just a suggestion).Finishing: Cut batting and backing even with quilt top. Following directions on bias tape package, bind sides, then top and bottom of quilt, turning ends of bias tape to inside. |
The following templates do have the 1/4" seam allowances included. Print page for full size patterns.