Diagrams and colors chart are for placement purposes only. Right click on diagrams. From menu save picture as and save where you can find it to print later. Highlight instructions, copy and paste into your favorite word processing program for printing. |
Block Size:
7 1/2" square unfinished 7" square finished.Materials:
light for star points, medium for center square, dark for background. 1/4 yard fabrics will make more then one block, but not a full quilt.Directions:
Center square is 4 1/2" square. Corner squares are 2 1/2" square. starpoints you will need 4 squares of your light fabric 2 7/8" square and 4 dark fabric 2 7/8" square.Star point construction method 1: Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on all 4 light squares. With 1 light square and 1 dark square, right sides together, sew 1/4" from drawn line (both sides) then cut on line. This will make 2 sets of 1/2 square triangles for each square you sew.
Star point construction method 2: Cut both dark and light squares in half diagonally. Sew one light triangle to a dark triangle. (you will have 8 triangles all together in each color). Remember this will be on the bias edge so be careful not to stretch the fabric while sewing.
After making all the 1/2 square triangles follow piecing diagram and sew block together.
If you would rather you can use the templates provided for all blocks. Print page for full size patterns. These have the 1/4" seam allowance.