The above diagrams and color chart are for placement purposes only. The following instructions will be with these colors. The instructions are for a pillow top. To make a quilt sew inside block without borders. Use borders for the sashing. Right click the piecing diagram, from menu select save picture as and save where you can find for printing later. Highlight instructions below then copy and paste into your favorite word processing program for printing.
Size: 15 1/2" squareMaterials: 1/2 yard Red #5, 1/4 yard each White Print and Red #4, 1/8 yard White.Directions: From White, cut 4 each I and J. From both White Print and Red #5, cut 4 K and 8 L. From Red #4, cut 4 A.Assemble L patches in unmatched pairs to form diamonds. Join diamonds in pairs to form a quarter star unit, as heavily outlined in the piecing diagram. Join quarters to form half stars, then join halves for completed star. Fit White patches between star points to the complete center square. Stitch an A patch to each side of square; resulting block should measure 11 1/2" square inside seam allowances. For borders, cut, adding seam allowance, four 2" X 11 1/2" rectangles from White Print. Stitch two to opposite sides of block. Join unmatched K patches together along their long edges to form corner squares. Stitch a corner square to each end of remaining border as shown on piecing diagram, then stitch to top and bottom of block. |
The following templates do not have seam allowances added. You will need to add those. print page for full size patterns.